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Classic wildlife

Madagascar’s wildlife is incomparably rich. It is considered by all scientists to be a nature sanctuary and the birthplace of endemic species. Actually, you will find unique species in the world with nearly 7 species of baobabs, 19,000 plant species and a fauna of over 100,000 species. This exceptional originality is notably due to its isolated location in the middle of the Indian Ocean. So it’s a colorful journey that awaits you!

We will first go West reaching kirindy forest reserve, located 60 km from Morondava,  With a high rate of endemism, it is a real gem of western Madagascar. Besides its wild fauna, the Kirindy forest is also home to lush flora.

Then, we will go South, visiting Berenty reserve, commonly accepted to be a « nature and lemurs sanctuary » ; Andohahela National Park, classified as a World Heritage Site and representing the biological diversity of the extreme south-east of Madagascar; and Isalo National Park. Although the range of wildlife may be less extensive than other areas of Madagascar, it is nonetheless possible to see several species of lemurs, as well as many reptiles, birds and frogs.

We will then go East, reaching Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, home to a wide variety of lemur species, and other numerous animal and plant species.

Day 1 : Arrival in Antananarivo

Arrival at Ivato International airport from your international flight. Welcome and transfer to your hotel.


Day 2 : Antananarivo – Morondava – Kirindy

Transfer to Ivato airport and fly to Morondava with Tsaradia regular flight. Upon arrival, drive ahead to Kirindy ( 60 Km/2h ). 

Kirindy forest reserve is located 60 km from Morondava. With a high rate of endemism, it is a real gem of western Madagascar. Besides its wild fauna, the Kirindy forest is also home to lush flora.

We will enjoy a nocturnal walk inside the forest.


Day 3 : Kirindy forest reserve – Morondava

This morning will be dedicated to visit Kirindy forest reserve. 

Dominated by majestic baobab trees, this protected area is the only place where the world’s smallest known primate, the giant jumping rat, occurs. This animal can hop like a miniature kangaroo, but is also seen walking on all four limbs. Kirindy is also the best place in the whole island to observe fossa. Seven species of lemurs, 40 birds, 50 reptiles and 15 amphibian species are also found in this magnificent forest.

Heading to Morondava later in the afternoon. Stop at “allée des Baobab” to observe the baobabs at sunset, before reaching your hotel.


Fauna’s top list:

  • Mammals : Fosa (Cryptoprocta ferox), grey mouse lemur, red-tailed sportive lemurs, Verreaux’s sifaka, Madame Berthe’s mouse lemurs.
  • Birds : White-breasted mesites, sickle-billed vangas, rufous vangas, blue vangas, greater vasa parrots.
  • Reptiles : Flat-tailed tortoises, plated lizards, leaf-tailed geckos, big-headed geckos


Day 4 : Morondava – Tana – Fort-Dauphin

transfer to Morondava airport and fly back to Antananarivo with Tsaradia regular flight.

Connecting flight to Fort-dauphin. Meet and transfer to your hotel.


Departure to Berenty private reserve ( 86 Km / 3h ), crossing cassava fields, rice fields, lush landscapes with a strong presence of Nepenthes, a carnivorous plant that feeds mainly on insects. Crossing sisal plantations before arriving in Berenty. 

Visit the reserve in the afternoon. This is one of the best places to see lemurs in their natural habitat. It is a veritable open-air scientific laboratory, which delights naturalists all over the world.

Lodging at your hotel ( BERENTY LODGE ).


Day 5 : Berenty private reserve

Fullday dedicated to discover the private reserve of Berenty. This is a real sanctuary for the 2 000 lemurs who live there freely. The Reserve allows you to discover 102 species of birds and more than one hundred other species: reptiles, turtles, bats … Natural and floristic varieties, such as forests, red sands, bush, also offer a show of incomparable endemic wealth. 


Fauna’s top list :

  • Lemurs : Ring-tailed lemur, Verreaux’ssifaka, grey mouse lemur, grey-brown mouse lemur.
  • Birds : Giant coua, hooked-billed vanga, ashy cuckoo shrike, Madagascar magpie-robin, Madagascar paradise flycatcher, white-browed owl, Madagascar scops owl, grey-headed lovebird.
  • Reptiles : Dumeril’s boa, warty chameleon, jewel chameleon, radiated tortoise, spider tortoise, big-headed geckos, and plated lizard.


Day 6 : Berenty – Andohahela National Park – Fort-Dauphin

Drive back to Fort-Dauphin, with a stop at Andohahela National Park.

Andohahela national park is situated 40 km North-East of Fort Dauphin. With a surface of 76 020 ha, the park has a very special forest ecosystem that combines a semi-arid dry forest and a lush forest enabling us to discover 2 parts :Tsimelahy and Mangatsiaka. 

So today, we will visit Tsimelahy and its intermediate forest, where we will discover a natural swimming pool, reptiles and birds.


Fauna’s list :

  • Lemurs : Lemur catta, Propithecus verreauxi, Microcebus rufus, Eulemur collaris
  • Birds : Newtonia fanovanae
  • Reptiles : Chalarodon madagascariensis, Oplurus quadrimaculatus, Paroedura pictus, Mimophis mahfaliensis, Acranthophis dumerili


Heading to Fort-Dauphin after the visit. Lodging at your hotel.


Day 7 : Fort-Dauphin – Tulear – Ranohira

Going to Fort-Dauphin airport and fly to Tulear with Tsaradia regular flight. Upon arrival, drive to Ranohira ( 243 Km / 4h ).

Lodging at your hotel.


Day 8 : Isalo National Park

Today is dedicated to discovering the NP of Isalo, our malagasy colorado. Covering an area of 81,540 hectares, Isalo National Park comprises the entire stretch of the Isalo Massif, a very spectacular mountain chain made up of eroded sandstone. This strikingly beautiful reserve is filled with golden plains punctuated by craggy pinnacles of terracotta rock, valleys, canyons and waterfalls and we enjoy two half-day hikes in this surreal environment. In the morning we will walk to the Canyon of Lemurs, and in the afternoon to a natural swimming pool in an oasis-like setting.

Lodging at your hotel.


Fauna’s top list :

  • Lemurs : Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi, Lepilemur ruficaudatus, Lemur catta, Eulemur fulvus rufus, Cheirogaleus medius, Microcebus murinus, Mirza coquereli,  
  • Birds : 77 species, 70% endemic (rock blackbird Pseudocossyphus sharpei, crested coua Coua cristata)
  • Amphibians: 15 species
  • Reptiles: 33 species


Day 8 : Ranohira – Tulear – Antananarivo

After breakfast, drive back to Tulear ( 243 Km / 4h ), going to the airport and fly back to Antananarivo. Meet and transfer to your hotel.


Day 9 : Antananarivo – Andasibe

Drive to Andasibe ( 144 Km/3h ). Stop on the way in Marozevo for a short visit of the private reserve “Pereyras”, where reptiles and chameleons are easily seen. 

Once in Andasibe, installation at your  hotel.


Day 10 & Day 11 : Andasibe National Park

2 fulldays dedicated to visit the National Park of Andasibe. 

The particularity of Andasibe is first of all the morning song of Indri Indri, the largest of the lemurs. This natural park is also home to many other animal species. The ecosystem of this place is varied with colorful flora and fauna: orchids, guava trees, bamboos and eucalyptus. 

Night walks along the national park will be organised, to spot the nocturnal species of lemu


Fauna’s top list :

  • Lemurs : Indri-Indri, Mouse Lemur, Black and White Ruffed Lemur, Diademed Sifaka, Brown Lemur, Red Bellied Lemur, Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur, eastern Woolly lemur, Grey Bamboo Lemur
  • Birds : Blue Coua, Red-fronted Coua, Blue Pigeon, Nuthatch Vanga, Sclay Ground Roller, Short legged ground roller, long tailed ground roller, Tylas Vanga l, Nelicourvi Weawer. Madagascar wood rail , Madagascar Cuckoo-Roller , Cristed , Ibis , Magpie – Robin , Hook Billed Vanga , Collared Nightjar , Madagascar Scops Owl , Madagascar Paradise Flycatcher , Nelicourvi Weawer , Tylas Vanga
  • Reptiles and Frogs: Parson’s chameleon, Short-nosed chameleon, nose-horned chameleon, stump-tailed chameleon, and frog: 3 to 4 species of boophis and about 5 species of Mantidactylus.


Day 12 : Andasibe – Antananarivo – Fly OUT

Drive back to Antananarivo ( 3h ), going to the airport for your international return flight.

Ask for a quote. According to your budget but also to the expected length of your stay, we can adjust the program and will consider accommodations that are adapted to your needs.